Blogpost, SoccerLifeBalance

Soccer Moms Save The World

Imagine it as the headline on the newspaper (if people still read them) or plastered across your Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter (X damnit!) feed. Soccer moms! The often forgotten chauffeurs to legions of youngsters who chase a ball incessantly throughout the country. That makes no sense! Quite the opposite, it makes perfect sense but the credit will never come. The only hope is that the results do.

We live in a tumultuous time with so many layers to our societies and culture. There is division on so many levels throughout the world. Often it can seem as though conflict is the outcome of every encounter with all things up for debate (but more often just labeling and shutting down). It’s a difficult time to be sure but not insurmountable nor particularly new. Throughout human history, empires have risen and fallen. Times of plenty have been followed by time of lack. So going back to my headline idea, the world does not particularly need saving but rather redirecting toward constructive ends.

Then why soccer moms? I’ll deal with the more obvious first. Moms are the force behind the human race. Yes, I know that us dads play our part but there is a lot of heavy lifting at the beginning that requires the mom. One of the problems that I’ve heard about frequently over the past few months is the threat of “under population” that is coming. Just one example but definitely an issue that moms can help to rectify. Many of the others will require leaders who can galvanize people toward a more positive end. All of those leaders will have a mom.

Then why soccer? Soccer is the most popular sport in the world and with good reason. It represents the struggles of life in so many ways that I believe people are inherently drawn to it. The lack of full possession of the ball, skill development over a variety of areas, the need for balance in attack/defense, the limited influence of coaches during actual performance, and so many other facets make soccer the world’s game. It is a truly simple game that is utterly complex in its application depending on the level of the players. Just like life!

So as the world continues to run into issues, the course will need to be redirected. Moms are bound to be major players in the nudging of society and culture. The beautiful game teaches so many principles that can be applied routinely to the bigger game of life. It stands to reason that Soccer Moms (could) Save the World. The question is what direction to nudge? 

With economic upheaval looming in the near future, finance might be the place to start. Financial literacy is not taught in most schools. Most kids are not going to learn about this topic on their own. They need to be nudged and given a vehicle to get there (sorry for the extra driving moms). My friend/co-author and I took the time to create that vehicle. “Setting and Scoring Financial Goals” is our attempt to give young people that understanding that they need to make good financial decisions.

We’re living in unprecedented times where information is at our fingertips and individuals do have the ability to unite as one voice or echo a voice that’s worth hearing. Perhaps the combination of these two hugely influential forces could be used to make for a better tomorrow if the right echos were heard by the young players in their care.

Mother’s Day is May 12th this year. Just an FYI!


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