Blogpost, self-reliance

AAA Is Not Coming Until…

My first car was a 1977 Chevy Nova that I inherited from my great aunt. It was a tank! In the winter of 1993, I made money hand over fist at my pizza delivery job because I was willing to work through the blizzard. I never worried about getting stuck or damaging it. It was a simple piece of machinery that made sense. It’s the only vehicle that I’ve ever owned which I changed the oil, spark plugs, antifreeze, etc. myself. It had a full size spare and everything! After that, my cars were less conducive to self-maintenance. Technology made cars more efficient but complex at the same time. The rinky dink jacks and doughnut spares scream, DON’T TRY TO FIX THIS YOURSELF!

AAA is the company that many people call for their roadside assistance needs. Considering how infrequently a well maintained car breaks down, outsourcing that situation makes sense, I suppose. AAA stands for the American Automobile Association. Although it doesn’t apply to this company, having a name with multiples A’s in a row meant that you would be first in the Yellow Pages/Phone book. When we transition to the next idea, I’d like for it to be first in your mind.

Attention, Acceptance and Approval are the things that we normally look for from other people. They are the holy trinity of currencies that are exchanged with the general public. Although love is definitely of greater value, it’s not something that is easily thrown around to the masses. Attention seems to be the currency of the moment but it comes pretty cheaply. Acceptance is another commodity of the day. Often, it’s not so much about accepting a person but rejecting those “others”. Approval is probably the toughest at the moment because people want deniability and nuance. It’s highly unlikely that you’re ever going to achieve all three with the masses. So maybe, calling out to the world for the AAA isn’t the way to go. Perhaps there is something better.

 Much like my 1977 Chevy Nova, it might be time to give that AAA service to yourself. Give yourself the attention that you need and deserve. Your thoughts are not things to particularly be covered up by videos, music or more work. Accept yourself for who you are. No doubt, you could improve. We all can but accept who you are in order to calibrate for your forward motion. If you’re constantly running from the shadow of who you’ve been, you’re going to be too tired to make meaningful progress. Finally, seek your own approval. Do things that make you feel good about who you are and avoid those that don’t. The world is probably not ready to approve of anyone 100%. However, if you can be thoughtful about what you do, then you have the seal of approval from the one person that you need to live with everyday. 

Remember that no one is coming to save you! You can phone a friend or get help from the passer by but more than likely most of the work is an inside job. The people who give themselves Attention, Acceptance and Approval are more likely to find it elsewhere. 

Life is highway!


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