Blogpost, self-reliance

Sunk Costs Can Sink You

The concept of sunk costs is pretty simple. Money, time, effort or any other currency that has already been spent is a “sunk cost.” Although you may have invested in something in the past, those resources are gone and cannot be recouped. Therefore using those costs to evaluate future decisions may not be helpful. Although they are usually thought of in financial terms, other currencies are just as likely to have sunk costs.

The overarching idea is that there are things that we need to release in this world. Hanging onto everything that we’ve ever valued is a poor strategy for forward motion because we will get weighed down. The object is not to throw away everything, just the dead weight that has accrued over time. Just because we put money, time, effort, etc into something at one point, doesn’t mean that it should continue. It only means that there was a value exchange at some point. Now is a new moment and may require reevaluation.

It’s time to rise to the surface! Hanging onto the sunk costs for too long will sink you. Now is the time to throw yourself a life preserver by deciding that your past decisions may not be a good indicator for what you need now.

Let go!


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