Blogpost, self-reliance

Biblical Feces!

It doesn’t roll off the tongue as easily as “Holy sh**!” but the basic components are there. For a variety of reasons, one has been adopted as an exclamation of surprise or delight. And the other is nonsense that I use to illustrate a point. While we’d love to believe that we’re communicating accurately, things like this are everywhere. The words and the meaning behind them are quite different. None of us came up with HS! We just use it. If biblical feces caught on, we might use that too.

It’s utility not accuracy. Function rather than form. Our standing order as humans is not to be perfect. It’s to carry on and try to progress. The history of the human race is littered with the imperfection of our ancestors. Yet here we are! Bathing in a world that would make them say “Biblical feces!” Or whatever exclamation they saw fit.

So don’t stop the heritage that we have. Make your best attempt at the things that you care about today. Push the envelope everyone once in a while and maybe you’ll astound the people around you enough to have a “biblical feces!” moment. You’re more than capable. You may just be caught up in the normal feces of everyday.

Getting it wrong is often the first step to getting it right!


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